Monday, March 15, 2010

It was a great weekend. Enjoyed the outside. One of the boats in the marina was sinking and my Captain, the Marina Master, and another boat owner helped to pump the water out. It was exciting, but I felt bad for the owner. When we came back from our walk, Charles got busy and rewired the sound system so we have music in the stateroom. Sounds nice, Babe.
Charles got some bad news yesterday. A very good friend of his passed. I tried to keep him busy so he could get through the day.
It is official. My Captain proposed, and I, the Admiral, accepted. I am SO happy. I know we make a great pair. Living on "Lady Star" has brought us very close. I will update the progress of the plans when we decide when we are going to tie the knot.
Today has been productive for me. I finished cleaning up after his project. I also started to tackle the stateroom and head.
Beautiful weather, but getting chilly again. Oh well, I guess we are in the yo yo time of the weather in NC.

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